Feldenkrais Training

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Unlocking Body Awareness: The Transformative Power Of Feldenkrais Training

Feldenkrais Training is a method of somatic education that aims to enhance physical self-awareness and movement patterns. This training is particularly advantageous for individuals with physical ailments, neurological issues, disabilities, or those seeking to improve their bodily awareness.

The training process involves a comprehensive study of body movement and pattern establishment, incorporating interdisciplinary knowledge from fields such as physics, neurophysiology, biology, and learning theories. Over the course of 700-800 hours, typically spanning 3-4 years, participants are taught specific techniques.

The cost of this training ranges from $16,000 to $18,000, with some programs offering limited financial assistance. Upon completion of an accredited training program, graduates obtain Feldenkrais certification, allowing them to practice or teach. Employment prospects for movement therapy practitioners, including those with Feldenkrais training, are generally promising.

Individual sessions are typically priced at $150-$200, while group courses range from $20 to $35 per hour. The income of practitioners depends on teaching hours and the percentage earned from clients’ fees.

Feldenkrais training is suitable for a diverse range of clients, including children, seniors, and individuals with physical pain or fitness goals.

Power Of Feldenkrais Training

What is it?

Feldenkrais Training is an interdisciplinary study of body movement and pattern establishment. It draws from various fields such as physics, neurophysiology, biology, and learning theories. The training involves specific techniques that are taught over a period of 3-4 years. The average cost of this training is around $16,000-$18,000. Certification is granted by accredited training programs, such as the Feldenkrais Guild of North America or members of the International Feldenkrais Federation.

The primary goal of Feldenkrais Training is to improve physical self-awareness and movement patterns. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with physical ailments, neurological problems, disabilities, or those seeking improvement in bodily awareness. This training is also effective for individuals with physical handicaps.

Feldenkrais practitioners, through the study of biomechanics and observation skills, are able to help a wide range of clients. These clients include children, seniors, and those with physical pain or fitness goals.

the essence of Feldenkrais Training

Training Process

The training process involves an interdisciplinary study that includes physics, neurophysiology, biology, and learning theories, and it teaches specific techniques for studying body movement and pattern establishment. This comprehensive approach allows practitioners to gain a deep understanding of the human body and its movement capabilities.

The training typically takes 700-800 hours over 3-4 years, providing ample time for students to develop their skills and knowledge. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including the principles of movement, biomechanics, and the Feldenkrais method itself.

Students also learn how to observe and analyze movement patterns in order to help their clients improve physical self-awareness and movement efficiency. Additionally, some programs offer limited financial aid to make the training more accessible to a wider range of individuals.

Clients and Applications

Clients of the Feldenkrais method come from diverse backgrounds and include individuals of all ages seeking to improve physical pain, and movement efficiency, or achieve specific fitness goals. The method can be applied to various populations, including children, seniors, and individuals with physical ailments.

By focusing on body awareness and movement patterns, Feldenkrais training offers a holistic approach to addressing these concerns. It is particularly effective for individuals with physical handicaps, neurological problems, or disabilities.

The Feldenkrais method requires practitioners to have skills in observation and knowledge of biomechanics, allowing them to tailor sessions to meet the specific needs of their clients.

With its wide range of applications, the Feldenkrais method enables individuals to unlock their body awareness and achieve transformative results in their physical well-being.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results from Feldenkrais training?

Results from Feldenkrais training can vary depending on the individual and their specific goals. Some individuals may start noticing improvements in their physical self-awareness and movement patterns within a few sessions, while others may take longer.

It is important to note that Feldenkrais training is a process that requires consistent practice and dedication. The transformative effects of the training can be seen over time as individuals develop a deeper understanding of their own body and movement.

Can Feldenkrais training help improve mental and emotional well-being?

Feldenkrais training primarily focuses on improving physical self-awareness and movement patterns. However, it can also have positive effects on mental and emotional well-being.

By studying body movement and pattern establishment, individuals can develop a greater sense of body awareness. This increased awareness can lead to improved emotional regulation and mental clarity.

Additionally, the interdisciplinary nature of the training is beneficial. Feldenkrais includes the study of neurophysiology and learning theories, providing a holistic approach. This approach can benefit overall mental and emotional well-being.

Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with Feldenkrais training?

There are minimal risks or side effects associated with Feldenkrais training. This method focuses on gentle movements and increased body awareness, which makes it generally safe for individuals of all ages and physical conditions.

However, as with any physical activity, there is a slight risk of muscle soreness or discomfort, especially if the movements are new or challenging.

It is always advisable to consult with a qualified practitioner or healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

Can Feldenkrais training be beneficial for athletes looking to enhance their performance?

Feldenkrais training can be beneficial for athletes looking to enhance their performance.

By improving physical self-awareness and movement patterns, athletes can optimize their technique and efficiency.

This training is particularly effective for individuals with physical handicaps and can help athletes overcome limitations or injuries.

Additionally, Feldenkrais training provides a deep understanding of biomechanics and body movement, allowing practitioners to tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of athletes.

Overall, Feldenkrais training can support athletes in achieving their performance goals.

Are there any specific populations or conditions that Feldenkrais training may not be suitable for?

Feldenkrais training may not be suitable for individuals with certain conditions or populations. For example, those with severe cognitive impairments may have difficulty understanding and following the instructions involved in the training.

Additionally, individuals with acute injuries or conditions that require immediate medical attention may not benefit from this training.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if Feldenkrais training is appropriate for specific individuals or conditions.


Feldenkrais Training is a comprehensive method of somatic education that aims to improve physical self-awareness and movement patterns. Through interdisciplinary studies and specific techniques taught during 700-800 hours of training, individuals can become certified practitioners capable of practicing or teaching Feldenkrais.

With good job prospects, practitioners can charge varying fees for one-on-one sessions and group courses. This training has a wide range of applications, making it beneficial for individuals of all ages and those with physical ailments or fitness goals.

Overall, Feldenkrais Training offers transformative power in unlocking body awareness.

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